Parents & Toddler Group

Friday 10.00-11.30 

Mums, Dads or Grandparents, Carers or Child-minders are welcome to bring along their babies and toddlers, and spend some time in the relaxed company of other adults and their little ones.  We meet in our Schoolroom where snacks are served for toddlers; while tea and biscuits are in plentiful supply for the adults!

The first hour of each session is designed for the children to play as they wish with a variety of toys, e.g. bikes, slide, dolls, farm, dressing up box, play kitchen, dolls house, dinosaurs, jigsaw puzzles, story books, play dough, etc, then we clear the toys away and the children sit and listen to a story and take part in some singing, with a mixture of well known nursery rhymes and christian children’s songs.  The singing is followed by a snack time for the children.

It is a valuable time for the children as they learn through play and also learn social skills such as interacting and sharing.  They quickly learn the routine and this helps them to adjust by the time they are old enough to go to school.

The adults of course benefit from getting to know others in a similar situation, and enjoying a nice cup of tea or coffee as their children play and for all this we make a charge of £2 per family

For the latest information about the Parent & Toddler Group access our Facebook Group by clicking below, or alternatively please phone 01978 314692.



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